Thursday 17 December 2009


Um... it's mid December?  What the hell?
I can't believe I'm almost finished my first semester of university.
As much as I love life here so far, I cannot wait to get on that plane on Saturday.  I'm really looking forward to seeing my family over the holidays; not seeing them for months has made me realise how important my family is to me.
I'm looking forward to good food, plenty of laughs, sitting by the fire playing Scrabble with my mum, seeing my best friend again and generally not taking Christmas for granted as I have done every year previous to this one.

It is actually snowing outside my window as I type this, how cliche.
I have a massive To Do list pinned up that I need to complete before I go home in less than 48 hours (like cleaning the kitchen and emptying the rubbish, seeing as my flatmates are obviously allergic to doing things like this).

Last night we went out for our 'last night out before Christmas', and it was awful.  It was so busy in the club that we could not move, and kept getting stood on, elbowed, and other not-nice-things.  My friends kept calling me Scrooge, and they even bought me a black Santa hat that says Bah Humbug on it, because I won't get into the whole cheesy, over-the-top side of Christmas.  Anywhere, out of nowhere, some asshole pushed my friend over and she fell on her back right down to the ground.  As I leaned down to help her get back up, someone hit me in the eye.  For no reason.  As I went to the bar to get some water, someone stood on my foot in a stiletto heel, meanwhile my eye was throbbing and streaming.  Fed up, and feeling a bit messy in the head (not from drinking, I was sober), my friend and I decided to go home.  Unknowing to us, the friend that got pushed over had fainted twice, and so our other friends had to call paramedics to check her over, and they wouldn't leave her until about 3am.

So yeah, can't wait to get 'home'!

Monday 14 December 2009