Friday 18 September 2009

Ten random things about me.

1. I chew gum constantly. If I need to take it out of my mouth for any reason (haha), I find somewhere to put it (the side of my drinking glass, my steering wheel, the back of my phone...) and go back to it later.

2. I love to play Scrabble. Nowadays I play it online against a stranger usually, but I have very fond memories of playing it as a child with my mum on her big white bed while my dad was working late.

3. I drink so much coffee, that I once did a detox and had to quit three days in because my withdrawal symptoms from coffee were so bad.

4. I can't stand poor spelling, punctuation and grammar. Your/you're is one of the worst!

5. I used to be seriously terrified of dogs, now they're my favourite animal.

6. When I was thirteen I asked my mum if I could get my labret pierced (just under the centre of my bottom lip). She said no, but if I still wanted it when I was eighteen and out of school, I could get it done then. She assumed I would grow out of the idea, but I got it done the day of my last A Level, and still have it in now.

7. I am very prone to coldsores; any time I am stressed, overtired, under pressure or anxious, it is 99% certain that a coldsore will appear on my lip. I have two right now.

8. Although I know I shouldn't, I love a wee cigarette. I think a girl smoking is really sexy; it's an instant turn-on.

9. I love to sing. I have sung a few times for my older brother at acoustic gigs while he plays guitar, once even at an engagement party, but he appears to have dropped me from his act recently. I miss singing.

10. The walls of my bedroom are one giant collage of photos, postcards, magazine cuttings and other random things. The blue/green paint is barely visible.


mythslegendsandtruth said...

Hmm needing a mental picture to go with the reading, I just pictured you as 5'6 w a blonde and pink mullet or just black , erm dark eye shadow , eye liner .. Fit, into converses and skinny jeans ( thorn at the knees), graphic tees or plaid shirts, w I light smell of mint to cover up cigarette smoke . And when you get nervouse you stick your hands In your jeans ... Anyway that's the image I created while reading, random I know...

Unwelcome Sound said...

Heh, it's funny how you get an image of a person from nothing at all.

I'm not going to say if your mental image of me is accurate or not, but I will say that I don't have pink hair!