Sunday 14 December 2008

Hectic weekend.

Friday night with B was good, it felt like it used to before, when we were just friends. Okay, there was a little tension (sexual?) in the air, but probably only on my behalf.

Last night, I went down to my best friend's house to watch the X Factor Final and get drunk, basically. I got drunk, and decided to book a taxi over to my other friend L's house (she invited me, and I hadn't seen her since August), but the taxi arrived quite literally just before they announced the result. But, too excited to see L (we have 'history' and some of those feelings are starting to come back), I went straight out to the taxi and missed the whole point of the party!
My friends from the first party kept phoning me to see when I was coming back. So I booked a taxi for 1am, and headed back over, only to be so bored and surrounded by straight couples getting it on. So, guess what, I called another taxi and went back to L's house, determined to pluck up the courage to make a move. Had an awesome time, drinking, smoking and having banter with her friends and brother (none of whom I knew), and eventually she suggested we (me and her) go up to her bedroom to play guitar and make videos for YouTube. We spent hours singing cover songs and messing up, laughing and generally being drunk and exhausted.
I never plucked up the courage to kiss her, I was too scared she'd freak out and I'd ruin everything.
It was a brilliant night anyway, and I got back to my best mate's house at six-thirty this morning, slept for three hours, and drove home.
I'm heading out pretty soon (again) to see L, she's got a gig in a pub in Belfast.
The best thing is, since spending time with L, I found I didn't really care or think about B, and even now, I'm not overly fussed if B texts me or whatever. I just want to see L.

I am exhausted, and definitely cannot afford to be going out again, but hey!

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