Thursday 26 February 2009

I think I am falling in love with L.

Saturday 21 February 2009


While I was on holiday last month, I didn't have a huge amount of money to spend, but I wasn't exactly begging either.

I went with my best friend, who is into her fashions, make up, celebrity type things, etc. So she spent a lot of time in designer shops, department stores, clothing boutiques, and the worst... underwear stores. She spent a lot of her dollars on clothes and jewellery.

I spent most of my time in bookstores. Obviously, we have bookstores at home, but all the books I am into reading are not available, and shop staff have rarely heard of authors I am asking about (my reading choices are not obscure, I just live in a stupid country), and therefore I end up buying most of my books and reading material over the Internet. So, imagine my utter delight when I discover a huge Borders a couple of hundred yards from my hotel! (We don't have a Borders at home, but it is my favourite shop in the world.)

I spent hours at a time in it, and spent most of my spending money there (and even used my credit card once... or twice). I had to bring back a whole separate suitcase just to get all my books home.

It is a pure addiction, I absolutely love books. I am never happy unless I know I have a big pile of books waiting to be read. If I am reading a book but don't have another lined up to read once I've finished the current one, I will be unsettled. Hence, I have more books than I can accommodate in my shitty residence. All the books I owned before I moved here (two and a half years ago) are ruined, due to damp and poor storage conditions. This is heartbreaking, because I truly treasure and look after my books, but I just have no other way of keeping them.

Even though I have many, many books lined up to read, I always love to get a good recommendation. I will read pretty much anything.

So, let me know, if you're a book lover, or even if you have only read one single book in your life, tell me what my next purchase should be, please, because I'd love to read it!

Monday 16 February 2009

Man, I'm the most paranoid person I know.

Everything is fine.

I overreacted, and read into the situation WAY too much. (That is so me)

L's on holiday now, so I won't see her for a week. But, she texted to say she already can't wait to see me again. So I'm smiling again.

Sunday 15 February 2009

I really hope it is just a heightened sense of paranoia, but I have a really bad feeling about me and L right now.

I am so, so scared of a repeat happening, remember how it all ended with B? After a week.

I cannot deal with this happening again.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

As of Sunday night (well, Monday morning, but we'll not bother with technicalities)...
L and I are officially a couple.

Friday 6 February 2009


I have been a bit negligent when it comes to updating my blog as of late.
I've been home from holiday for two weeks now, and am fully adjusted back into life back home.

I have four unconditional offers for the following universities...
  1. De Montfort in Leicester
  2. The University of Chichester
  3. Northumbria University in Newcastle
  4. Nottingham Trent University
The only one I haven't heard from now is Manchester Metropolitan University (of course, it's my top choice). No news is good news, right...?

As for me and L... we are 'getting there'. The night before I went on holiday she was drunk and texting me, saying she still liked me, always had, but was scared of rejection from me (again). Since then I've only seen her once (last Saturday night) but lots of texts and IMs have been sent, and it's pretty clear we're going to get together soon. I might even get to see her tonight, if I decide to risk my life driving to my old hometown (it's really snowy and icy out there, especially treacherous on the country roads I live on).

I think we all know I'm going to attempt it! Better get a move on, it's eight-thirty already, I need to get ready and the drive will take much longer than usual, due to the scary driving conditions.

Unwelcome Sound x