Saturday 21 February 2009


While I was on holiday last month, I didn't have a huge amount of money to spend, but I wasn't exactly begging either.

I went with my best friend, who is into her fashions, make up, celebrity type things, etc. So she spent a lot of time in designer shops, department stores, clothing boutiques, and the worst... underwear stores. She spent a lot of her dollars on clothes and jewellery.

I spent most of my time in bookstores. Obviously, we have bookstores at home, but all the books I am into reading are not available, and shop staff have rarely heard of authors I am asking about (my reading choices are not obscure, I just live in a stupid country), and therefore I end up buying most of my books and reading material over the Internet. So, imagine my utter delight when I discover a huge Borders a couple of hundred yards from my hotel! (We don't have a Borders at home, but it is my favourite shop in the world.)

I spent hours at a time in it, and spent most of my spending money there (and even used my credit card once... or twice). I had to bring back a whole separate suitcase just to get all my books home.

It is a pure addiction, I absolutely love books. I am never happy unless I know I have a big pile of books waiting to be read. If I am reading a book but don't have another lined up to read once I've finished the current one, I will be unsettled. Hence, I have more books than I can accommodate in my shitty residence. All the books I owned before I moved here (two and a half years ago) are ruined, due to damp and poor storage conditions. This is heartbreaking, because I truly treasure and look after my books, but I just have no other way of keeping them.

Even though I have many, many books lined up to read, I always love to get a good recommendation. I will read pretty much anything.

So, let me know, if you're a book lover, or even if you have only read one single book in your life, tell me what my next purchase should be, please, because I'd love to read it!

1 comment:

mythslegendsandtruth said...

... I LOVE Borders there 1 next to my school most days I go there around two pm and leave at around 11pm. I read so much because I have a huge imagination and reading only broadens my mind. I some times finish 2 books in one sitting.