Monday 25 May 2009

Living in N.I.

For years, I've done a lot of complaining about living in Northern Ireland, and how crap it is, nothing to do, weather sucks, etc.

But lately, I've started to love it here (just when I'm planning to leave, typical!).

People living in NI, some advice I have to offer after the weekend...
  1. Visit Belfast Zoo
  2. Do not visit Exploris

Fill up your tank with fuel, get a good mix CD on (or a girlfriend to operate the iTrip), drive, eat, laugh, stop at intervals, take photos.

Enjoy living here, because it really has a lot to offer. I have been to pretty much all of the 'famous sights' with my family, but hated it because I was a grumpy teenager who wanted to spend the school holidays with her friends. Going to these places because I actually want to, with someone I love is a completely different experience.

Next stop - Giant's Causeway.

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