Thursday 11 February 2010

A pain in the... head.

Since I was about fifteen, I've had a headache.
Until I was about twenty I had a permanent headache, one that literally never left.  It was a dull pain that I learned to deal with, it was always in the background and I got used to it.  It eventually eased up and became more of a frequent fleeting headache, than a constant one.

Now (aged twenty-two), it's taking a different turn.  I can go an entire day without a headache, but then one will just hit me like a train, and it floors me.  These headaches are totally different; forget the dull background pain of my teens, this is an intense pressure that feels like my brain is swelling, or like there's something forcing my brain forward into my forehead.

Sometimes the pain is in my forehead, sometimes it's at the back of my head just above my neck, sometimes it spreads down my temples to below my eye sockets.

In six years I've been to three GPs on numerous occasions, several opticians and even the hospital.  No one knows what's causing them, or how to fix it.  I've been told I don't need glasses, been put on various medications, been given eye exercises to do and been asked to stop drinking coffee.  None of these things have worked, and right now I am absolutely desperate.  It's after 3am, and I can't sleep because of the pain.  I've taken painkillers, had plenty of water to drink, been out for fresh air, and stayed away from the computer for hours.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?


mythslegendsandtruth said...

I use to get headaches when I was in high school . I chucked it up to stupid people and air pressure. If the headaches occur while you are around people or while you think about people then it's a stupid people headache , if your living in a place that ,1 rains allot ,2 is to warm or 3 the weather is constantly changing it's air the pressure. But this really sounds like a migraine ... Maybe you should ask your doctor for a cat scan.

Mery B. said...

Maybe it sounds a bit crazy... try some alternative medicine, hypnosis? Sometimes our ilnesses or other disfunctions are caused by our thougts,fears or unresolved problems...