Saturday 20 March 2010

Fights and friends.

Do you have a friend who starts fights when he/she is drinking?
I do.  When sober she would silently fume about the person that has pissed her off, but when she's been drinking she gets all defensive and starts fights with people.
It never really bothered me until tonight.
It was really nothing, but she started bitching about this girl outside a club.  First of all she turned to me and asked "Is that a girl or a boy?"  I said "She's a girl."
My friend (T) said "Well she looks like a boy."  I replied, "Why is that such a problem?"
T said "She looks like shit."  I said, "Don't say that, no she doesn't.  I think she's really hot."
T insisted the girl was being a bitch and giving her dirty looks through the chip-shop window.  I tried to calm her down and explain why the girl had every right to be a bit of a bitch (T had banged the window to say hi to the shop owner who we kind of know, but the girl thought T was banging at her and when I explained to the girl that my friend was trying to see the owner, the girl said to T "Well come in and speak to him yourself!"), but she wasn't having any of it.
I was mortified, this girl really was hot and now she probably thought I was a dick because of my friend.
T didn't speak the whole taxi ride home because I defended the girl.

This really has no point, I'm just annoyed that my friend's aggressiveness has lost me the chance to even talk to this girl (you all know I don't exactly get much female attention).
A good vent never hurt anyone, did it? (Ha, it has seriously hurt me before when B read what I had written about her.)

1 comment:

StarGazer said...

ick! maybe it's not so worth it to keep this friend around? I've had friends like that, and when they end up becoming more of a nuisance than someone of value in your life, maybe it's time to re-evaluate their worth. No reason to put yourself through that kind of drama!