Sunday 18 December 2011

A lot of catching up to do.

So, the last time I posted, J was going to meet my parents.  It went really well, I was so so happy.  They have met a few more times since July, and J is coming over to spend New Year with my family.  I honestly never thought this would happen, not in a million years.

Things with my older brother still aren't great.  He has apologised again since sending that vicious email, and says he is ashamed of himself... yet his views haven't changed.  I think I find it easier to put it to the back of my mind because he is still living abroad, and won't be home until Autumn 2012 (and I'm not sure where I'll be living by then.  Hopefully far away.)

I think the biggest issue plaguing my mind currently is that I want to share my life with J, but my parents aren't keen to tell my extended family, or their friends/neighbours.  I have no idea how this will play out.  However, I am proud of my mum, because she told one of her friends (who is also the minister's wife), and this friend sent me an email saying some lovely things, including "I love you as though you were my own daughter and I will be fiercely protective of you."  It was wonderful to hear that.  I know it was not easy for my mum to tell her friend.

Baby steps, my friends, baby steps.

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