Tuesday 3 March 2009

One day last week I got a very unexpected text from... B.
Months and months and I hear nothing.
All that crying and hurting, and more than anything, my self-hatred because of her, and from not hearing a friggin' thing from her, and when I finally do, I couldn't care less.

She was texting asking if I could get her any drugs, that she didn't want me to think she was using me but she had nowhere else to go and was really desperate.
Well, fuck that shit.
Hindsight is my best friend in this situation - she really did use me and is still trying to.

It felt so good to honestly not care.


LL Cool Joe said...

Yep it's a great feeling, when you get to the stage where you no longer care, or feel hurt etc. It takes a while though.

mythslegendsandtruth said...

Most deff..