Thursday 22 October 2009

A very disjointed entry.

I'm finding it really hard to concentrate these past few days.
I have a lot of work to do and I just can't seem to get it done, then before I know it, it's due and I have a panic and rush it.  Then I get annoyed at myself for my work being substandard, and swear to do it in plenty of time the next time.  But this is the next time, and I'm not doing it in plenty of time!

I don't know what's wrong with me.

For one of my modules we are required to keep a daily journal, writing between 350-400 words each day, and I'm hating it.  Yes, I love blogging, and I keep a personal journal, but this one for uni is being forced and I don't enjoy it at all.  I only update my blog or personal journal when I feel I have something to say, or need to vent, or whatever.

I'm loving life in general here, though.
A few friends back home keep asking if I've met any 'nice girls' yet, obviously assuming that because I am in a new city there will be hundreds of girls at my disposal.  I have met none!

L has been texting, in particular last night.  She phoned numerous times and I just ignored the calls.
It's the same stuff, "I miss you. Breaking up with you was the biggest mistake I ever made. My friends all told me not to but I did it anyway, and now I regret it every single second of every day. I wish you were in the same country as me right now so I could talk to you in person. That day we met in Starbucks I had a list of things I wanted to say to you but I didn't." etc.
Well excuse me, but I begged her to meet up time and time again during the break-up, and she refused.  Even if we were in the same country, I wouldn't be meeting her.  This was always a big problem for me; she would never talk about issues, and in the end it broke us up.

I haven't heard from B in about a week and a half.  I'm not even surprised.

Despite what I said at the start of this entry about having no concentration, I need a distraction!  Not a distraction from my uni work, but one from all this other shit.  And by distraction, I mean a girl.  Preferably one who won't fuck me around?

I'm going to have a hot shower and then try again to do some work.

1 comment:

mythslegendsandtruth said...

I find meeting people I college to be really hard too . I guess "L" isn't having luck finding someone like you hum? Oh well no one told her to leave you.