Sunday 13 September 2009


I was out tonight with my younger sister and her friend, as it was my sister's last Saturday night here before she moves to uni.

Three different guys came on to me. Let me start by saying - this never happens, and more importantly, I do not like it.

The first guy was on the dance floor before anyone else was even near it, the club was pretty empty, most people were just hanging around at the bars. He was dancing alone, really sexy moves and pretty much just loving on himself. Next thing, he danced over to where we were, moves my sister and her friend out of the way (and let's be honest, they were both just as shocked as I was that he didn't go for either of them), and started 'dancing' 'with' me ('dancing' because he was just trying to be really sexual, gyrating, bumping, grinding, his body right on mine, and 'with' because he was more dancing 'at' me, I wasn't reciprocating). Immediately, everyone else in the club was watching, pointing, probably laughing. I tried to move away from him, I was exceedingly uncomfortable, but he wouldn't take the hint, and I was getting more and more humiliated by the second. Words cannot describe how much this kind of attention embarrasses me. Eventually, after thrusting his ass in my crotch several times (it hurt, he was a big guy, and must have had a belt buckle or something on) he walked away, leaving me feeling really... dirty, and violated. I'm not the type of person to be violent or rude to anyone else, so I just waited it out until he was done, I didn't want to give a rise or a reaction, but I was totally humiliated.

The second guy grabbed me about an hour later, I was walking past his table and he reached out and took my hand. I automatically pulled away, but then realised I knew him (sort of). He was kissing my cheek and I pulled away, and then explained that we used to hang around from time to time when I was about fifteen years old. He kept hugging me, kissing my cheek and bringing his face right up to mine. After what felt like ages, he could tell I wasn't interested, and left me so he could go and hit on my sister.

The third guy was the friend of boy number two.  He introduced himself by kissing me right on the lips. I jerked away, while he continued to try and kiss me all over my face. My stomach was actually churning, and I just turned my back on him and walked away. I'm told he gave me the fingers at this point. Nice. My sister jumped in and shouted to him (and everyone else) "She's not interested, she's GAY!"  He didn't believe her (oh come on, I have short hair, and while every other girl in the club is wearing a short dress, I'm wearing jeans, a button-up shirt and a waistcoat!), so he came over to ask me. I repeated what my sister had told him, and he shook my hand!
"It was worth a try, eh?" he said. Cheeky bastard.

The club was heaving, I literally could not move an inch. The people in it were complete posers and dicks. I've never been in a place that bad before. The way everyone was getting on, it felt like they were all in on something big, and I was the joke.

For all those hundreds of drunk people, I could not see a single other gay girl. Until we were walking out, when I spotted a really hot bar maid.

I am so glad to be at home, in bed, away from all those sleazy men. What makes them think it is okay to be so lecherous and downright creepy towards girls? It's horrible, I feel so disgusting right now.
For those girls who live for that kind of attention in clubs, please learn to respect yourself, have some dignity. It makes me so sad that girls feel the need to dress in barely anything, flaunt their bodies shamelessly on the dancefloor with a vodka in each hand, just to get some kind of attention.
There's got to be more than this.

[Edit: I am not telling this story to seem big-headed in any way, trust me, this was a very unusual night for me, and one I hope is never repeated.]

[Another edit: a friend just asked me "Did it not feel awesome that someone was giving you attention, even if it was the wrong sex?!". Dear God, some people just do not get it.]


Vicki Valentine said...

Oh god that sounds like it was totally horrible! Especially that first guy! Men like these really just don't have respect for women anymore but honestly the way the girls at those clubs go on, they have no respect for themselves either.

Unwelcome Sound said...

It's so true, girls can't expect to be respected if they don't even respect themselves first.

I don't believe that any girl wants all that for herself, the degrading looks, the wandering hands in a sweaty club from some guy they don't know. Or maybe they do, and it's just me that wants more from a romantic situation.